RunAbout Runs
Standard & custom-made freestanding runs designed with your pets in mind
Custom - made runs
Any size or shape run can be designed & made to meet your animals' needs & requirements. We can take care of the design and production of your run, or alternatively send us your design & we will produce your run...see our picture gallery for a few of our examples
Here are a few ideas which previous customers have had
incorporated within their runs :-
- human height runs to accommodate double-tier hutches or
to save the owner bending down in the run (our highest
run so far has been 8ft!)
- folding lids
- sloping roofs with a variety of waterproof coverings.
- ability to attach the run to an existing external hutch /
shed / Wendy House via "lift-up" connecting hatch.
- additional gates (human or animal height!)
- sliding hatches enabling run / hutch / shed to be partitioned off
or to allow the animals constant access to all areas of accommodation
- stepover section at base of gate to help prevent escapees when
humans are entering / exiting the run
- double door systems (ideal for aviaries & ferret runs)
- folding runs for transporting or easy storage
Price List
Custom-made runs (all animal species):-
Price on application....please provide us with your size & design requirements
On-site installation charge :-
Custom-made runs : £20.00
Delivery :
Up to 25 miles : £35.00
26-50 miles : £45.00
51 miles plus : on application